September 23, 2008


you have got to check out my latest pay per view game (via niteflirt)... if you're in the mood to whack it, that is. It's an interactive game where I turn you on and direct your ..."movements" and stuff. :D heheh click here to play:

you can also check out some of my other hot games, or make a request:

ptv humiliation game:
ptv ass fetish game:
ptv hot bikini game:
ptv hypnosis game:
make a ptv request:

Also, I have added new videos to my store, new pics to my photo store, and a new webcam to my live house cams! Also I've added lots of important new items to my wishlist, so feast your eyes and do the right thing:
shop my wishlist!
buy my videos!
buy my pics!
view my housecams!

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