Joe switched with a coworker so he had the early shift today. Got home around 2:54, yay! I LOVE when I get him in the evening! In honor of our time together... we made a delicious blowjob vid ;> It's verrrry yummy... Go buy it in my video store! (I'll be uploading new photo sets to my pic store this weekend...)
You people need to donate money to me. For hockey equipment, hockey tickets, and tattoos. Now. Do it here through Amazon, Niteflirt, or Epassporte!
August 26, 2007
this was a giant giant piece of shit... all Ive got left is this scan... you can only see like a third of it, and its scaled down by like... 75 percent. silly. I made it after I got back from new orleans the second time. I like doodling. You know, me and my girlfriend at the time had sex on the beach next to the moonwalk while a bunch of people watched. I need art supplies. Buy them for me from my amazon wishlist.
*update: this post is so fucking flakey and dumb and boring, Im forced to post this little bit of perfection.
Smokey Robinson and The Miracles: You Really Got A Hold On Me
yea.... that song makes me lose my mind.
todays been pretty fuckin far as uneventful days go. Joe and I played some uh.. street hockey. hehe. and I got slammed in the arm and tit really hard, cause I was being goalie and I didnt have any padding. (we're gonna go get some tomorrow). Yes. I have welts, and its hot. Getting hurt when youre playing sports feels fucking good. Like getting in fights. Fuck dipshit pervert 'bdsm' people, I get my 'pain' thrills the NORMAL way! God... we so can't wait for hockey season to start. I can't wait to watch sabres games, and GO to predators games. *pant* oh the fun... the fucking thrills. MMM!!!! ..also, I cleaned the house hardcore. mopped, vacuumed, steam cleaned, that whole scene. God I love the feeling of a fresh clean carpet. I'm feeling babbley and weird. I have been very sober lately and it makes me all scattery.
check out this FUCKING EXCELLENT LINK: ...single greatest fucking ste I've ever been shown. Thank youuuu MIKE!!! *lick, bite, tickle*
Im currently playing my BLOW JOB video through my camcontacts cam, fyi *hehe*
Yes yes yes. FUCK YES! I love and relate to so many of their thingies...its hard to figure out what videos to post. But here:
I really fuckin hate everyone. You know?
Im so fucking sober and lonely and confused... Im blasting Britney Spears and dancing around the house really hard, getting all sweaty. *dramatic howl* yea thats right....... I need to snap out of it and listen to some "real" music. hmph. I promise to watch this Electric Frankenstein video like a good girl, once I get out of the shower. Crappy video, excellent song.
August 22, 2007
yes pitiful bitches, I know you've been suicidal due to my absence as of late. Well. Wake the fuck up. Me and my life = important ... You and the internet = not important. Don't forget it. can dry your eyes, cause Im well, and back. I'll be on live cam all evening.
August 20, 2007
Mmmmmm today FUCKING KICKS ASS! All day was a fabulous party of fun. RAR! So watch this fuckin hot cramps:
I've drank a fuckload of whiskey and I'm now on splendid MOLSON canadian beer. Joe and I have watched a buncha kung fu movies tonight, while playing our new electronic battleship game, and it came up in conversation, the fact that we've both been in many hard sexy big fat ass evil major fist fights... and when we've been totally in the right, and confidant and sure of our righteousness and correctness, we have suffered really no wounds. Our less than honorable fighting has always been met with injuries to the hands and face. So we've been blabbing about what makes you a victor and etc. Aside from our simple bad ass head beating bruteness, its honor. Yum.
Now we'll watch some vintage horror and act slutty at eachother.
August 18, 2007
*sigh* Im feeling better. ;> We had some crazy people over last night, drinking and loudness, fun fun fun! I was blasting the drifters at top volume around two am or something. Good thing everyone else in this building is stupid and loud. WOO!
I posted a new yucky fetish video in my clip store...another one for the foot freaks. I'll be uploading more pics to my image store soon too. Here's some samples from a set already uploaded there:
if you dig my pics, and you wanna show me gratitude, go buy me stuff from my amazon wishlist, my shipping address is already filled in, and your info is hidden from me ;>
Me and Joe are laying on the futon watching a craaazy Howie Mandel / Christopher Loyyd movie called 'walk like a man' ...insanity. Im laying on my tummy, and Im in my undies, and Joe keeps biting my butt hmhmhmm. *likie*
I posted a new video (in my clip store) of me sucking on a lollipop. *heheh* Someone asked for it... and the site has a whole catagory for it. So woohoo! My videos are making me soooo much money. *smirk*
I'm going to be uploading lots of photo sets to my picture store tomorrow. Here's some samples. I suggest you fucking buy them. I think your dick will agree.
My Amazon Wishlist
(this is my 'main' amazon wishlist, full of all the hot shit I'm dying to own)
My Food Wishlist
(an amazon wishlist full of wolfgang puck, japanese treats, and soy crisps. buy them for me now! so I don't have to make twenty trips with my moped...)
My Sanrio Wishlist
(an amazon wishlist full of all the hello kitty type crap that I adore!)
one thing that honestly fucking thrills me is when I login to niteflirt and find that some dirty boy has been playing my hot hot pay per view games! do it now!: