July 1, 2007

Jesus fuckin' christ, it's HOT! I finished my workout awhile ago, and felt like I was going to DIE because it was like 83 degrees in here. I was DRENCHED in sweat (cardio aerobics, hello)...it was one oclock and Joe was STILL asleep, so there wasn't even anyone to witness my effort. DAMMIT! I was even groaning and grunting really loud, to try to wake him up. Hmph. (by the way, I insist one of you spoily hunnys need to go buy me new workout gear, and the dorky sweat band crap off my amazon wishlist, so I can stop having stingy eyes. ...fyi my shipping info is already filled in, and it doesn't show me YOUR info when I receive the package)

In the last part of my program you're doing mat excersizes, leg and ab workout stuff....and lately Vincent has been running and getting all excited and jumping onto my stomache and wiggling and staring at me smiling while Im doing all my 'lifts' and whatnot. Its so fucking CUTE! He scuzzles around cause Im moving all fast and he's trying not to fall off. And then when Im doing the sit up shit, I give him a kiss on the nose each time my head reached up to his. He's so PRETTY, he's a really good distraction. The way he stares down at me with his big chihuahua eyes. Just like mama! Good times. My dog is my personal trainer. Jealous?

For you sick little pervy dudes, I'd like to point out that I *DO* sell my personal items, such as sweat drenched workout clothes. They're not cheap though ;> Email me for info if you're interested. jessiekittycom @ gmail.com

What's next? Painting my fucking bathroom, woowoo!

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