Happy 4/20 bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ding ding ding* Smoke some weed ya square.
I had the pleasure of speaking with the mucho suave BARB of b4rb.com today...she's fuckin cool n shit dude! She's a beautician and she has a salon IN her house! <3 Her site (which is refreshingly NON PORN) has like a billion 24/7 STREAMING cams! It's totally addicting to watch them, you get to see her running around being cute, her boyfriend doing boyfriendy things, and her fuckin righteous dog piddling around the house. I swear to god, her pup acts JUST like vinnie, russling around on the couch and whatnot. *sigh* yep, coolness.
So I found this very affordable excellent little stair stepper work out dealy on my amazon wishlist ...its only 39.99, so go fucking get it for me ya slut. I added a bunch of other work out gear too, including a very fun looking 'salsa' work out dvd. Mmm!
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