I have lots of slutty new pictures, will be making sets out of them and uploading them to my store soon! saaample?
many apologies for the current state of my blog. if you go more than a few pages in, you see all of the pictures are white boxes saying 'this picture has been removed from flickr'. terrible terribleness and I'm working on it. (all I can do is go through the posts and remove all of the pictures, I'm totally pissed..).
one of my favorite people just sent me this fucking awesome video.
we both agree that this is JessieKitty land, and I should be able to go live there where I belong:
February 10, 2009
ultimate disaster. my flickr account has been deleted. that means all the photos I've hosted in my blog for the last two years are now icky 'this photo has been removed by flickr' pictures. I apologize. Bare with me, I'm doing what I can. If anyone has any advice about a good place I can host my adult oriented photos, please let me know. jessiekittycom@gmail.com
fuck... all of the photos in my forum are gone too. *cry*
February 5, 2009
R.I.P. Lux Interior
this fucking sucks. another amazing talent lost. and there goes my chance to ever see the cramps play live, too... Poor Poison Ivy ;/
February 4, 2009
L7 - Shistlist - (as my expression)
*smirk* fucking disgusting stupid mennonites.
some moron sent me a message in regards to my post, below, ranting against the fucking WRONGNESS of the sick cults of mennonites and amish people.
he himself is a mennonite from texas, and he told me no matter how beautiful I am, Im ugly on the inside, and he said 'any problems you had in the mennonite community were because of your unruly behavior'... !!!!!!!!
Thats right kid, if a religious cult gets ahold of your family, destroys your life, and encourages your parents to treat you like shit and put you in jail (just because you wont wear a prayer cap and farm dress and stop listening to music, and you wont live by the motto that men are the bosses and women are their servants, and you wont worship a non existent "god" while living a bizarre hypocritical unnatural lifestyle with a community of ugly deformed perverted mental cases...)... where was I?
Oh, right. If you're being mentally abused in a religious cult, its YOUR FAULT because YOU wouldnt follow the rules!
Yes, if I would have just submitted to the sickness and 'gone with it' I would have been a rewarded happy person.
I have only myself to blame!
Oh.... did I ever fucking mention the mennonites SHUNNED my parents (after I was long gone) because they found out they had each been married before they married eachother? Did I mention MY MOTHER WAS DYING OF CANCER while they shunned her?
And lets not forget to point out the most obvious idiocy of this guy: what is a happy good behaved little married mennonite guy doing looking at some slutty girls stuff on the internet? *gong* Hypocrites, one and all.
I got some other messages from other people who just misunderstood me, and thought I was saying I hate all people who practice religion. Obviously thats not true, there are some very very fucking nice religious people, certainly. What I said is that I hate religious fanatics ....there is a difference, and pretending I meant otherwise is just a very weak way to try to discredit me as a fanatic myself.
February 3, 2009
As many of you know, my family turned mennonite when I was a tween.....I didn't ever join the church, but the rest of my "family" did. (Im adopted). My refusal to join earned me time spent in the psyche ward and then a halfway house, due to the fact that I kept running away from home. Living on the street is preferable to being in the clutches of those disturbed people.
I would like to inform all of you that mennonites are fucking perverts, control freaks, morons, and sick fucking cunts in general. They are like a backwards scary horror movie. Living in the world of mennonites is like BEING in the movie 'The Children of the Corn'... only the adults are still in power. They have these insane egos, especially about how modest and unwordly they can be.... but actually, behind closed doors, they all break their own rules, while watching each other with predatory eagle eyes, waiting for a chance to pounce and accuse someone of breaking the rules, so they have to apologize to the whole congregation, or be shunned. I would bitch about the sexism that goes on in their groups, but the perverted disgusting women ENJOY the treatment, because they get off on it. They just have a boner for being their husbands submissive. Only its the kind of submissiveness that involves the dominant demoralizing the submissive, and making them unattractive and uninteresting. Fucking ugly pig bitches with their revolting farm dresses and ridiculous pitiful prayer caps.
I don't usually mention anything about my horror story youth in the religious cult.... but every once in awhile I feel a strong strong urge to scream to anyone who will listen....
My Amazon Wishlist
(this is my 'main' amazon wishlist, full of all the hot shit I'm dying to own)
My Food Wishlist
(an amazon wishlist full of wolfgang puck, japanese treats, and soy crisps. buy them for me now! so I don't have to make twenty trips with my moped...)
My Sanrio Wishlist
(an amazon wishlist full of all the hello kitty type crap that I adore!)
one thing that honestly fucking thrills me is when I login to niteflirt and find that some dirty boy has been playing my hot hot pay per view games! do it now!: