I'm watching 'The Skull' circa 1965, featuring the fabulous
Mr Peter Cushing. I think I'm going to now officially add him to my list of yum yums. Send me pictures of Peter Cushing, people.
So, I just uploaded blood for blood's 'aint like you' to my radio blog, I suggest you listen to it, and take into concideration that the song lays out many of my thoughts and feelings (most likely feelings I have towards YOU, cause you're lame). Then comfort yourself by listening to the roy orbison. ;>
I've been having strange dreams about people watching me pee. They aren't BAD dreams though, cause I'm down with the peepees.
I want this fucking suitcase yo:

so, Joe has adopted a sick new awesome err...opinion/outlook/theory....I'm not sure what to call it. But...*grin*...he wants me to go out and let dudes hit on me and buy me drinks and whatnot, so he can come be mean to them and be all aggressive and 'she's mine' ...isn't that evil, predatory, and adorable? He says this thought was spawned by the stray cats song 'cruisin' or something. My boyfriend gets radder and radder as time goes by. \m/ Too bad he has to work so much. *bluh*