this is my mojo spot. its especially delicious in early morning. I take pictures of it because I love it.
oh shit! ROSEANNE just said some righteousness!
check out this statement, and open letter to Jon Voight and *ugh* Angelina Jolie in her blog:
"John Voight
is a frightened little girl in a pink ballet tutu, who acts like Obama just wandered in from the rain forest with a bone thru his nose and a communist pamphlet in his loincloth. The neocons who own jon voight and make him dance on the chabad telethons are the worst most elitist people on earth. glen beck and jon voight are their bitches... both of them are used tampons who must be flushed down the toilet immediately!
jon voight your evil spawn angelina jolie and her vacuous hubby brad pitt make about forty million dollars a year in violent psychopathic movies and give away three of it to starving children trying to look as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more. (just sayin').
Also miss jolie says she likes mccain too and hasn't decided who to endorse....huh? Aren't you supposed to be somewhat enlightened, or do you not know that the african daughter you hold in every picture had parents who suffered and died because of the republican party's worldwide economic assault on africa over the last few decades since reagan? whaaaa...??????!!!! (for that matter, the thai and vietnamese sons you are photo'd with weekly too!!!? who's pictures you sell to raise money to help the poor? Their families are victims of America's right wing military incursions too. Mccain wants to continue with the idea of war for profit...the americans are over that thinking now! They have drugged our troops and lower classes into supporting their oil business atrocities for long enough. We want to save not lose our souls thank you. Now go back to making your movies about women who love to handle big guns that shoot hundreds of people to death. might be good for your asian and african children's self esteem to know you support a brown man for the leader of the free world.)"
Now...I don't hold faith in the democratic party, I don't hold faith in any people in power in general, because I think they're all sick dirty bitches, perverted by the position they are in, even if they dont know it...but that is some TRUTHY shit the always fun Roseanne is giving!
I actively hate Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I will feed into the contrived and intentional media frenzy and say " TEAM ANISTON " .. mmk?
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