April 24, 2008

Me and Joe had a fucking crazy night last night, we went out sight seeing and bar hopping. Towards the end of the night, we were at some big nice sports bar, having a good time and talking to people. There was this guy in there, who I'd noticed giving us strange looks. He and his friend walked up to where we were sitting at the bar, talking to some cool funny little business man, and leaned onto the bar giving us these strange menacing looks. They were acting like mean bad yuppie frat guys from an 80s movie, for real. It was creepy because there was no reason for them to be trying to get our attention. I think they were LOOKING for people to be rude to.


They started talking to us about random nothing... everyone was saying where they're from, and the one dark haired guy (the one who was giving us weird looks earlier) stated that he was from santa barbara. I told him I used to live in mission viejo and he got all strange and cunty and started barking that santa barbara is BETTER. It was fucking weird, I looked at him like he was a dork and I was all 'oh, are you sure? uhuh.. psh'. Joe laughed and said 'there really are a bunch of rich FUCKS there".


The fucking weird pair continued to try to dominate the conversation in our little area, where everything had been fun and good until they started imposing. The conversation turned to baseball, I said "I want the cubbies to win!" and the dark haired guys FRIEND got all snotty and told me 'oh dont say CUBBIES, its 'go cubs go' only TOURISTS say 'cubbies'". He was saying all of this in a really bitchy voice. I rolled my eyes and was all oh are sure? are you sure? I cant say CUBBIES? go cubbies, cubbies cubbies cubbies. It was fucking ridiculous, and I was making fun of him. Everyone was trying to ignore these douche bags. The people we were having so much fun with left because the yuppie bullies sucked so much.

I moved a few seats over and started talking to these friendly crazy band dudes, and Joe and the dark haired asshole started talking. I wasnt there for this conversation, so I don't know EXACTLY how it went down... but I saw the guy get up and go to the other end of the bar. Me and the guys I was talking to moved back over to Joe, and Joe told us "That guy just said me and Jessica are the dregs of society because we do porno shit". I was insantly fucking pissed. I walked over to where the dark haired asshole was, and I said 'so you think we're the dregs of society huh?' he said he didnt know what I was talking about. I said "well thats what I heard"... he told me "I dont want to talk to you about anything". I leaned in close to him, while he was averting his eyes and being a pussy, and I said "Youre a pitiful piece of shit" and went back to Joe, with a smug fucking kick in my step.

Now I'm going to have Joe get on my laptop and type about the conversation that led up to the guy insulting us:


He started talking about politics, and I said the elections are all fixed and voting doesnt matter. And he said "That's bullshit" and I said "No, it's not. Do you really think YOU matter to them? Theyre loyal to their secret societies, not us" And he went on and on about how great John McCain was, and how he was a "war hero", and then I responded by saying that the American Swiftboat Veterans made a statement to the press that McCain LIED about what really happened to him in Vietnam. And the idiot said " Can you prove that he lied?" and I said "I dont need to, they already HAVE proven he lied!" What a fucking idiot. I ended up getting into a big arguement with him about how 9/11 was an inside job, he believes that terrorists are real, and every time I said TRUE FACTS, he said "I dont believe it, you're just a crazy conspiray theorist" I AM NOT a conspiracy theorist. And then he said, "I think we should bomb the shit out of Iran" and I said" why, what did they do to us?" and he COULDNT even give me an answer, not even a dumb one! I ended getting right in his face and spitting on him while I barked at him that he was ignorant and I scared the shit out of him. He kept saying," get out of my face" and I would just get closer, and I kept making eye contact with him and he kept looking away. He said"I dont want to be talking about this stuff with you" and I said" YOURE the one who started talking about politics, and I just tried to tell you the TRUTH about how it's all bullshit, but you dont want to hear the truth" he said"no, I dont" And he whined and said "You and your girfriend are the cause of the degeneration of mankind, youre the dregs of society because you make porn, I dont like porn, Ive never looked at it" And I said "Oh yea, youve never looked at porn , youre such a liar" He whined again and said"Im going to sit at the other end of the bar" And I said, "Good, you maggot, get away from me" HAHAHA Then I told Jessica what he said about us.


Yea... so. It was really fucking awesome, the way this BULLY came up to us, acting all egotistical and proud and dominant. And within an hour he was acting all submissive and dominated and bitchified, like the disgusting little wimp he really is inside. Creeping off to the corner acting like WE did something to HIM. He came UP to us with the intention of being rude and shitty at us. It was so fucking wrong. He was out to be abusive, HE got abused, and so he acted like a victim. It felt so good to treat him like shit. Later on I saw him talking to the owner, and from the way the owner was looking over at us I know he was feeding him his fucked up little version of what happened. I just smiled. When the douche bag was on his way out I called 'Piiiig' after him, hehehe! P.s.... the shit about how he never looked at porn, and we're the dregs of society? no no, this guy was a SLEAZEY yuppie. I wouldnt be surprised if he was coked out. Fucking piece of shit. You could just TELL he was some impish rich kid who preyed other kids at school. I think it's really hilarious that he couldn't even answer, WHY?, to the bombing iran thing. What a fucking loser. By the way, I took a picture of the back of his head, right after I insulted him and made his dick shrivel up into a twist tie. He's the prick in the plaid shirt:



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