November 16, 2006

jessiekittycom: hey
jessiekittycom: are you hung over
jessiekittycom: Im not. I totally hardly drank last night.
aricrotunno: yeah
aricrotunno: i got wasted i passed out with a drink in my hand and it poured all over me haha
jessiekittycom: oopsie
jessiekittycom: Ive woken up, sitting on a couch, with puke in my lap.
jessiekittycom: several times...
jessiekittycom: cause Im a winner.

here's some cam snaps from last night....these pics are totally wierd because me and Joe were being all evil and mean to eachother while I was taking them:

reality kings

jessiekitty forum

jessiekitty pics

jessiekitty's amazon wishlist

I love it when dykes molest me. I need to get out to some gay bars.

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