We rearranged the apartment. Oooo fun. It feels way bigger now <3 During the process we watched allll our ABFAB on dvd. (I own every single episode, and special, RAR)..and drank wine and beer..and smoked weed. ..one last thing to do, put together the new futon frame. Yummie. How I love to REPLACE things. We'll pop some zantrex and get right on that...as soon as Joe wakes up.
Help me get a new computer!
STEP 1: Click this LINK
STEP 2: Sign up. Enter YOUR info. (YOUR shipping address, email, etc)
STEP 3: Complete an offer (free trials, blockbuster online, columbia house dvd club, etc), make sure the order goes through, after you decline a bunch more offers they make you.
STEP 4: Pat yourself on the back. You just helped JessieKitty get a free laptop!
...and if you want, you can try for one now too, with your new account!
(I only need to get 5 people to do this, and the computer is MINE! This has worked for lots of other camgirls...)
you can do the same thing for a Free Ipod as well.
*edit: someone just emailed me with a link, to an article that wired.com wrote (see, its a real program!) check it out here
I'm using talksugar for phone again...so JOIN ...then call me:
As always, my live cam is through camcontacts:
Tons of new pics of gross ugly bitch boys degrading themself in my honor...they're too revolting to post them all here ...sample:
you can find more horrifying slobs in my FORUM
I just fuckin' ripped a cup of tea out of joes hands and threw it upside down into the sink...he was making fun of me for singing a neil diamond song. *snort*
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