August 3, 2005

Well babes...I'm getting myself pumped and ready to go pick up the fucking uhaul and trailor and whatnot. The fucking morons are making me drive thirty miles away to get the fucking truck, and then to ANOTHER town to get the car tow. What fucking lazy cows right? They can't drive their own vehicles to the appropriate location??? Ugh. Whatever.

I just switched my cell coverage...I should be getting dressed and leaving now...but I wake and baked and I'm watching Beverly Hills Cop 3 ...and feeling unmotivated. Eat me, while I eat some quick pills.

I've taken some pics of the moving...will be taking more. You'll see em once I have internet access in my new place. Ciao bitches, cry while I'm gone....and buy me shit and send me money while I'm gone, hm.

UPDATE: took two hours to do all the uhaul bullshit. The seperate place I had to go to get the car towing thing was out in the middle of nowhere, it was all sandy and rock and dirt...and it was this big greasy warehouse, featuring a nice old lady, an old really retro looking white haired grease monkey dude who looked welsh...a greasy middle aged dude with a beautiful dog that followed him around (who I had a brief love affair with)...and all this constructiony car movie uhauly greasy metal parts and things cluttered everywhere in the office. It was very surreal and righteous yo.

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