just woke up at two after passing out earlier. guh. tummy. owie.
once again my suaveness is affirmed by suave band people contacting me. thanks for the pic Stoni of Mad Sin!
I fear I'll spill another beverage into this shity keyboard, which Im using again as a result of spilling booze in my nice ass cordless one. ...thats the second of that model that Ive ruined with booze now. BAD KITTY! *slap* It was during a cam performance too ...oi!
Since I'm a member of the 'only undies club' its only right I have some of their undies ...send me money, or buy me some or something if you know my addy.
the motherfucking THING roommate I live with let the phone bill get too high apparently, cause its been shut off, and the electricity isnt far behind. I think I'll send in money for MY electricity use, since its under his name, its his debt, but I just dont want that shit getting shut off.
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