October 4, 2003

whats_anubian: I had a dream where i was a football game and surounded by cheerleader girls talking about their hair and i ran and ran and ran and got hit by a car and got up and shot the guy in the car and drove away and then i woke up
thejizzykitty: hm
whats_anubian: u?
thejizzykitty: I dreamed I was in my parents old house, and I had a giant bottle of liquid morphine, and a big bag of needles, but they were all bloody and clogged. I tried to get high all night and then woke up jonesing.
thejizzykitty: I am now drinking lots of nyquil and drinking whisky and smoking pot.
whats_anubian: hm im thinking nyquil whisky and pot might be what caused you to dream crazy shit in the first place
whats_anubian: : thejizzykitty: no
thejizzykitty: I had bad dreams because I was sober
whats_anubian: HAHA thats right blame it on be ing sober
thejizzykitty: its true
thejizzykitty: I went to bed sober for the first time in awhile
thejizzykitty: and it was a horrid night
thejizzykitty: its cause I got too drunk and sick the night before
whats_anubian: aw
thejizzykitty: now im watching some dipshit sandman movie on scifi
whats_anubian: i was just watchin that a sec ago
thejizzykitty: ha
thejizzykitty: ive seen it before too
thejizzykitty: not only is it lame
thejizzykitty: I allready KNOW its lame
whats_anubian: but unless its scare tactics i dont care bout it on sci fi lol
thejizzykitty: and Im still watching it
thejizzykitty: *snort*
thejizzykitty: scifi plays tales from the crypt though
thejizzykitty: and they have good movies sometimes
whats_anubian: ooooooo
whats_anubian: yum
thejizzykitty: I wish I was more into the old twilight zone
thejizzykitty: but they're just kinda....boring :/
whats_anubian: yes, your right
thejizzykitty: why dont they play more hitchock and price and shit
thejizzykitty: thats what the people want
thejizzykitty: and if they're gonna play b rate horror
thejizzykitty: please, make it b rate horror from the fifties
whats_anubian: because it doesnt matter what the people want
thejizzykitty: at least when its black and white you can PRETEND its good
thejizzykitty: hahaha
whats_anubian: its what the higher ups THINK the people want
thejizzykitty: and theyre always so ....wrong
whats_anubian: yup
whats_anubian: which explains reality tv dont it
thejizzykitty: what the fuck
thejizzykitty: some nigger priest was wearing an upside down cross
thejizzykitty: I hate it when they do shit that doesnt make sense
whats_anubian: well they liked it once maybe they'll like it 5000 more times
thejizzykitty: ugh no shit
whats_anubian: *stab stab stab*
whats_anubian: oh well
whats_anubian: least they still play mystery science theater
whats_anubian: but i think i missed it this morning
thejizzykitty: not often enough though
thejizzykitty: they need to be playin it at four in the afternoon and shit
whats_anubian: they need to be playin that shit 24/7 god damnit
thejizzykitty: they should have a mystery science theater chanell
whats_anubian: god yes
whats_anubian: that'd be all i'd watch
whats_anubian: fuck war in iraq or a president speech
whats_anubian: i'd be watchin that shit all the time
whats_anubian: wheres my peanut butter damnit
thejizzykitty: I left my jelly out the other night
thejizzykitty: how lame is that
thejizzykitty: Im not eating jelly thats been sitting out
whats_anubian: icky
thejizzykitty: *pissed*
whats_anubian: thats ok
whats_anubian: pbj is ok
whats_anubian: but i like peanut butter and butter better
thejizzykitty: ew dude
whats_anubian: ...that kinda rhymed
thejizzykitty: that must be some wierd growing male subconcious urge for pure fat.
whats_anubian: its good man
whats_anubian: i swear
thejizzykitty: whatever
thejizzykitty: oh
thejizzykitty: wait
thejizzykitty: I put butter in my cream of wheat
thejizzykitty: *shame*
whats_anubian: HAHA
whats_anubian: seeeeeeee
thejizzykitty: heheh
whats_anubian: but im only 180
whats_anubian: even though i think im fat
thejizzykitty: how tall are you
whats_anubian: im fairly.....not fat :\ i guess
whats_anubian: 6 foot
thejizzykitty: psh yea
thejizzykitty: and I just meant cause your metabolism burns it up fast
thejizzykitty: people with fast metabolisms are pigs
whats_anubian: yeah
whats_anubian: its true
thejizzykitty: my boyfriend is like that
thejizzykitty: he eats all fucking day
thejizzykitty: all he does is eat
whats_anubian: i been tryin to work out
thejizzykitty: I dont really care except that he hogs stuff
whats_anubian: im tired of being icky
thejizzykitty: Im like....dude...you ate MY donut
thejizzykitty: what the fuck
whats_anubian: hahahahaha
thejizzykitty: hmhm
whats_anubian: meh i only eat the shit i know other people dont want
thejizzykitty: Im really anal about food
whats_anubian: .....then again i still live with my rents so i dont give a fuck about them anyway
thejizzykitty: Im all fucking obsessed with everyone getting their share
thejizzykitty: like....he used to be really bad
whats_anubian: yeah
thejizzykitty: like if we were at a restaraunt
thejizzykitty: he would just rip shit off my plate and stuff it in his mouth
thejizzykitty: that was cute like....the first time.
whats_anubian: lol
whats_anubian: thats mean
whats_anubian: i dont do that shit
thejizzykitty: I know!
thejizzykitty: well once he realised it was actually upsetting me he TRIED to stop huhuh
whats_anubian: damn
whats_anubian: i can barely even take shit if people give it to me
whats_anubian: feels so wrong
thejizzykitty: I know what you mean
thejizzykitty: Im so shocked when people ask me for things when they're at my house
thejizzykitty: I dont ask for shit but water, you know
whats_anubian: ya
thejizzykitty: and I know people who will treat my kitchen like its THEIR kitchen
thejizzykitty: Im like....what the fuck is wrong with you
thejizzykitty: like this one irritating ho who has two kids because shes such a HO
whats_anubian: I KNOW!!!!
whats_anubian: dude i go to peoples houses
thejizzykitty: once she walked in my hosue, and walked to my kitchen, opened my fridge, and started picking at food and shit
whats_anubian: i feel like shit because i feel like if i even touch anything they'll get pissed
thejizzykitty: Im like...you greedy slob.....what is wrong with you
thejizzykitty: oh
thejizzykitty: well Im not like EVIL anal about it
thejizzykitty: like I usually offer people whatever Im consuming, you know
thejizzykitty: but I would never fucking......disrespect someones stash
thejizzykitty: I mean...maybe Im just a little more animalistic about it or something
whats_anubian: yeah i know
thejizzykitty: but. its the way it is.
whats_anubian: im very hospitibal
thejizzykitty: lovely
whats_anubian: but when i got over somewhere for dinner
whats_anubian: sometimes i just skip dinner
whats_anubian: cuz i feel wrong
thejizzykitty: I cannot STAND eating at other peoples hosues
thejizzykitty: yea
thejizzykitty: YEA!
whats_anubian: for takin their shit
thejizzykitty: I know exactly what you fucking mean.
thejizzykitty: yep.
thejizzykitty: then you feel like you OWE them
thejizzykitty: I dislike owing people
whats_anubian: EXACTLY!
thejizzykitty: I have never discussed this hahahah this is funny
whats_anubian: and then if i do i go and like buy em something or do a favor or some shit
whats_anubian: lol
thejizzykitty: fuck taking other peoples generosity
thejizzykitty: oi
whats_anubian: i know
whats_anubian: only person i've ever taking advantage of like ALOT was my ex ex girlfriend who was a bitch and said she never loved me in the first place
thejizzykitty: ew
whats_anubian: i ate shit out of her fridge and shit only cuz she would force me to
whats_anubian: so i got used to it
thejizzykitty: yea
whats_anubian: but i hated her and didnt respect her so i didnt care
thejizzykitty: hehehe
whats_anubian: i think it all started when i was at my friend omars house
thejizzykitty: ive stolen food from roommates that I hated
whats_anubian: hahaha i've done that
thejizzykitty: omar!?!?!?! like reading rainbow? holy shit.
whats_anubian: HAHA
whats_anubian: hes spanish
thejizzykitty: oh
thejizzykitty: fuck that then
thejizzykitty: jordy
whats_anubian: lol
thejizzykitty: JORDY
whats_anubian: HAHAHAHA
thejizzykitty: hmhmhm
whats_anubian: wheres his visor damnit!
whats_anubian: HAHAHAHA
thejizzykitty: ahhh star trek
thejizzykitty: how I love thee
thejizzykitty: except for voyagour
whats_anubian: that shit confused me as a kid
whats_anubian: seein him on reading rainbow
thejizzykitty: hahaha
thejizzykitty: no shit
whats_anubian: i was like.....wait i thought he was blind
thejizzykitty: I didnt think they were the same person
thejizzykitty: I wouldnt believe anyone
whats_anubian: hahahahaha
whats_anubian: i know
whats_anubian: it actually scared me i had to turn it off
whats_anubian: lol
thejizzykitty: reading rainbow always made me feel kind of ...funny and wierd inside
thejizzykitty: there was some vibe about that show
thejizzykitty: I dotn know what it was
whats_anubian: your right
thejizzykitty: it didnt have anything to do with jordy I dont think
whats_anubian: it never felt right
thejizzykitty: I think its the wierd overly calm way all the voice overs sounded
thejizzykitty: just...yea
thejizzykitty: something PERVERTED about that show
whats_anubian: i know
whats_anubian: felt wrong watching it
whats_anubian: never knew why tho
thejizzykitty: damn
thejizzykitty: another thing Ive never discussed
whats_anubian: haha
thejizzykitty: this is an enlightening morning
thejizzykitty: I feel like I need to record these reading rainbow thoughts
whats_anubian: indeed
thejizzykitty: they're profound
whats_anubian: yes
thejizzykitty: Im going to post this conversation in my blog
whats_anubian: *note to self* jordy isnt actually blind
thejizzykitty: do you care if your name is published?
whats_anubian: nah i dont care
thejizzykitty: allrighty.

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