care to translate? :
Im in this giant christian school.....Im at choir...(is that how you spell that?) ...Im with my boyfriend, we're not singing, we're drinking. Got a bottle hidden n stuff. I was in a total "i dont give a fuck" phaze.
We get caught, we run from the guards or whatever.
We get CAUGHT caught outside. I got away though...and the bottle I was holding turned into my dog Vincent.
I ran through the country jumping fences and shit and came upon a cabin.
As I was climbing a ladder on the side of the cabin I heard this old black mans voice.
I dropped Vincent and he got caught on the side of the ladder, and he was tangled up.
The old black man came and helped me get vincent out...and vincent had turned into a rat...and his foot that was caught had gotten ripped off.
The old black man took me in his cabin, with his family, and told me he'd fix vinnie right up.
When he gave him back, he had turned into a miniature rooster, and was perched on a stick.
Then I woke up, and vinnie was all cuddled up to me.